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Soft Contact Lenses Vs. Hard Contact Lenses

Contact Lens fitting vs eye exam

People who wear contact lenses are used to making choices. Stanton Optical is a retailer who is fully equipped to provide prescription contact lenses to anyone that wants them. When you are choosing contacts, you need to know if you want hard contact lenses or soft contact lenses. Making this decision is not as easy as it seems, as the answer depends not only on preference but also on the outcome of the eye exam, and whether contact lenses or glasses will be the better option.

After deciding that contacts are the best option, the patient must then determine if they want to wear soft contact lenses or hard contact lenses.


Soft contact lenses are extremely comfortable and easy to apply. This type of contact lens stays in place and is easier to adjust than hard contact lenses. Soft contact lenses are made out of a flexible plastic that is combined with water to allow oxygen to flow through the contact lens and to the cornea. This increases comfort and helps maintain eye health. In most cases, soft contacts are used to correct myopia, also known as nearsightedness, hyperopia or farsightedness, astigmatism or blurred vision, and age related loss of close-up vision.

Soft lenses are disposable and there are varieties of soft lenses available that can be worn for several days before they need to be removed and discarded.


Contact Lenses



Hard contact lenses are the second option of contact lenses available. These lenses have come a long way since the 1970s. Hard contact lenses today are rigid gas permeable lenses which allow for more flexibility and oxygen to pass through the lens to the cornea, while still maintaining their shape on the eye. Rigid gas permeable contacts have been known to help slow down the development of nearsightedness in young adults and adult contact lens wearers. Furthermore, these contact lenses are extremely durable, easy to care for, handle and wear. They offer clear, crisp vision and can correct most astigmatism.

The few disadvantages to hard contact lenses include:

  • Vulnerability to scratches
  • Can easily dislodge from the center of the eye
  • In order to grow accustom to them, you must wear them consistently.



When making the final decision on what contact lens to choose, there are many things to consider such as eye condition, lifestyle, budget and personal preference. In some cases, one may start out with soft contact lenses and then decide to switch to hard contact lenses.  Which ever may be your case, here at Stanton Optical we can not only provide a contact lens exam, but we can also guide you and help you choose the best fit for you.
Make sure to visit a Stanton Optical location near you, to schedule your next appointment and learn which contact lens is right for you!

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