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3 Tips for Choosing the Right Contact Lenses

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3 Tips for Choosing the Right Contact Lenses

When choosing a pair of glasses, many know just what to look for - something that is comfortable, fits their personality, and most of all, stylish. With contacts, however, it can be harder to know the difference between options and which one is best for you.

As we head into the fall allergy season, it’s important to consider options that fit in well with your lifestyle. With winter sports season ahead wearing contacts makes wearing your protective gear easier. 

From the replacement schedule to the material, lubricity and design, we’ll walk you through four things to consider when choosing the right contact lenses for you.

Lenses for Your Lifestyle

When choosing contact lenses, it’s important to think about your day-to-day activities. Contacts take maintenance, and each kind can be worn for different periods and replaced at different intervals. 

There are different types of replacement schedules for contact lenses. There are reusable lenses that can be replaced biweekly or monthly and there are daily disposable lenses that are disposed of after each use and are not reused. Good hygiene is key to maintaining your eye health and your contact lenses. From washing your hands to your contact solution, these safe practices will ensure your eyes remain clear of harmful bacteria.

The safest option to protect your eyes from microbes - especially for those with busy routines - is to use daily, disposable lenses. These are also typically thinner than biweeklies and monthlies and therefore, more comfortable.

Of course, not all dailies, monthlies or biweeklies are the same. Some lenses are more permeable to oxygen, making them more breathable, and there is much more to a lens’s comfort than “meets the eye.”

Choosing the Right Material and Lubricity

Of course, whatever contacts you choose should be comfortable throughout the day. Tired, dry eyes are common effects and may prompt you to touch your eyes or use eye drops. Every day, scientists are finding new ways to make contacts feel as natural as possible.

Stanton Optical  carries plenty of different brands and types of contacts with daily, bi-weekly and monthly lenses. Each one has a different lubricity, and some are branded as “extra moist” for added comfort. These may be a better option for those with naturally dry eyes.

According to Johnson & Johnson, eyes blink an average of 12,000-14,000 times per day. Throughout the day, this can rub off some of the lubrication from your contact lenses and affect their comfort level. Scientists behind today’s most popular contact lenses have worked to eliminate as much friction as possible, and your eye doctor will be able to walk you through the best option for you. 

Contacts Have Different Designs, Too

You may think that “all contacts are created equally” and many of them may look the same to the naked eye, but the truth is - each one is designed as uniquely as each pair of glasses.

Modulus, or flexibility, and thickness work together to make up each contact’s design. Thin lenses are more flexible, and while this may add comfort, it also means you should be more careful when handling them.

It’s important to remember that the contacts you start with don’t necessarily have to be the ones you wear long-term. If you are experiencing discomfort or want to explore other options, there are plenty to choose from.

The Bottom Line

There are several important things to consider when choosing your contact lenses, and each serves a different purpose. From minimizing contamination to maximizing comfort and keeping their shape, contacts are a great option, especially for busy and active lifestyles. Handle them with care and reap the benefits this busy fall season!

Looking for the best pair of contacts for you? Stop by one of our Stanton Optical locations today to explore our dozens of eyewear options!