Grow with Us

Discover a fulfilling career helping customers live their best lives! At Stanton Optical, our team is dedicated to making eye care easy and providing a stress-free, more convenient eye care experience. Bring your passion for helping others and your entrepreneurial spirit to Stanton Optical. Whether you’re looking for a corporate role, a retail opportunity, or a career with Physicians Eyecare group, we have a position that suits your goals and aspirations.

We are looking for energetic and optimistic team members who strive to exceed customer expectations and have a strong desire to help people improve their lives. Join our enthusiastic team and learn new skills while advancing your career. We offer unmatched earning potential in an opportunity-filled organization that has maintained operations during the pandemic and is consistently driving toward hypergrowth.

Employee Benefits

Our team members get so much more than a fulfilling career. Discover the many benefits of joining the Stanton Optical team:

Employee Eyewear Benefits

  • 2 free pairs of glasses per year
  • Exclusive Friends and Family Discount on contacts and eyeglasses, including a free eye exam

Overall Health and Wellness

  • Medical and prescription drug coverage
  • Healthcare spending and savings accounts
  • Supplemental medical insurance
  • Dental insurance
  • Life and disability insurance
  • Employer-paid life insurance
  • Employer-paid accidental death and dismemberment
  • Legal benefits
  • Identity theft protection
  • Pet Insurance

Paid Time Off

  • Paid vacation and holidays
  • Sick time and bereavement leave

Amazing Working Environment

  • Great work/life balance
  • Hands-on training program
  • Unmatched earning potential
  • Career development opportunities
  • Run your own business!

Signature Discounts for Employees

  • Provided by PerkSpot and other partners
  • Exclusive online discounts at many of your favorite national and local merchants

Saving for the future

  • 401(K) Plan